Frequently Asked Questions


(Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression)

No specific credentials are required. Anyone can become a Facilitator if they successfully complete the certification course.

Yes, because SAMA meets or exceeds the requirements for risk management of aggressive behavior programs.

Yes. Our intention is for as many people as possible to benefit from SAMA.

Yes. This way Facilitators or their sponsoring agencies can recoup costs and make using SAMA even more cost effective.

No. Whatever a Facilitator charges belongs to the Facilitator or sponsoring agency.

Yes. They need to attend a two-day recertification class every two years, which helps Facilitators keep their skills high and pass on any refinements to SAMA.

Yes, SAMA manuals and videos are licensed to agencies or individuals similar to the way software is issued for users of computers.

The materials are licensed for two years. At the end of that time they must be relicensed or returned to Satori.

No. Doing that would defeat the purpose of quality assurance.

Yes. Although the instructional delivery system is standardized, the approaches taught in SAMA are easily adapted to almost any individual or population.

No. SAMA is based on the notion that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. SAMA is for agencies that share that value.

No. Facilitators can share a set of materials, but additional sets may be licensed for $250 per set.